Real-Time Reports

The Data You Need. Now.

SAM's reports make it easy to access your information with real-time stats so you can make informed decisions.

Real-time Statistics

Quickly pull counts, averages, totals, percentages and aggregates to get a better understanding of your data.

Filter & Sort

Filter on any field with a click. Sort columns ascending, descending or by other values. Exclude or filter values without affecting the report's setup.

Advanced Search

Create dynamic reports with specific filters using the Search tool at the top of each report. Choose any field in SAM to filter by and operators to pull records within specific time periods, such as the current quarter, or for next x days, months, years.

Save & Share

Reports can be bookmarked and shared among users. Each time the saved report is accessed, data is represented in real-time, and permissions are confirmed prior to accessing the report.

Put Your Reports to Work

Once you've pulled the report, work with your information:

  • Update or insert records in bulk
  • Edit records directly from reports like a spreadsheet.
  • Send Bulk Emails & Email newsletter campaigns
  • Export to Excel
  • Print Templates (such as letters or education certificates)
  • Print Address Labels

Data Designed For Your Needs.

  • Design reports using any tables, fields and filters needed to support your understanding of the records.
  • Apply default filters, so you can exclude specified records from the results.
  • Features like “Create New Report from this One” allows you to easily build reports per time period, per worker, per program with similar field/column setup.
  • Set a default sort, play with the column widths, record counts shown and determine whether the fields will be editable directly from the report or not.